Photos of Pathkeepers Native Youth Leadership Camp -- 2014
Thanks to everyone who helped make this a unforgettable experience for these young Native people!
Opening Ceremony of Pathkeepers Camp 2014, setting up tents and exploring Camp grounds. Thanks to Reggie Tupponce, Upper Mattaponi Tribe, for helping to welcome Campers to Virginia Tribal homelands.

Campers Get Moving with walking and running on trails each morning, and
tending to and picking vegetables in the Camp garden.

Lacrosse workshop with Mr. Forrest, a former member of the Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse Team! Go Pathkeepers!

Campers playing with horses and embracing Native Horsemanship.

Learning dances and dancing at our Pathkeepers Pow Wow -- "Everybody Dance!" -- Thanks to the Youghtanund Drum and Singers!

Campers expressing themselves through cultural activities, including: Traditional flute, led by Mr. Gali, and Beading and Applique design workshops led by Miss Vanessa.

Camp included many educational workshops, and we were honored to have incredible guest presenters. Special thank you to all our guests, elders and volunteers!​ Some of these educational workshops included:
Storytelling and poetry workshop;
Presentation on how to interview and respectfully document elders stories led by Dennis Zotigh;
"College Day" with officials from University of Virginia, American University, Virginia Tech and Virginia Commonwealth University;
Navajo language and culture workshops led by Pathkeepers Board member, Lucinda Long-Webb;
Presentation of Mike Richardson, Director, National American Indian/Alaska Native Head Start Collaboration Office​.

Field Trip to Washington, D.C. - Day One: Tour the White House; met with White House Tribal Liasion, Raina Thiele; reception at the Navajo Nation Washington Office, who graciously provided lunch and where we also met with Center for Native American Youth staff, Josie Raphaelito; presentation at the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Hearing Room of Congressional and NIEA staff; and Hard Rock Cafe, who generously sponsored our dinner.

Field Trip to Washington, D.C. - Day Two: Visit the National Museum of the American Indian and run into our friend, Dennis Zotigh and exhibits of some campers' tribes; honored to meet with Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, Kevin Washburn; campers and staff acting silly while waiting to go into Native Museum; and a visit to the Lincoln Memorial.

Fun Pictures around Camp: Cooking fresh healthy food with Miss Lucinda, Miss Ashley and Miss Rosie; keeping the fire; helping to clean up after dinner; and hanging out....

Last Day of Camp: Campers give Final Presentations to the entire Camp. Campers have yummy sugar-free "Pathkeepers" cake made by Miss Rosie and Say Goodbyes ... until we see each other again.